1. Listen to Your Mouth!

    To avoid the byproducts of gum disease such as dentures, partial dentures or dental implants, practicing good, consistent oral hygiene, and keeping up with preventive dentistry appointments could help keep you out of the doctor’s office! Normal gums appear pink and firm. If not, your mouth could be trying to tell you something about your body. And, the converse is true, as issues with your body …Read More

  2. How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy: What Works and What Doesn’t

    If you have been tempted to try an internet fad that scrubs, scrapes or treats your teeth with something other than a soft bristled toothbrush, we implore you to inform yourself. We know you will reconsider! WHAT WORKS Rinsing Your Mouth Mouthwashes could be considered an original form of preventive dentistry, as this practice goes back to 2700 BC China, when saltwater was used to treat gum dise…Read More

  3. Should You or Shouldn’t You? The Ins and Outs of Dental Insurance

    If you are wondering if you should get a dental plan and have started shopping, sifting through the different plans and the fine print outlining what is covered and what is not is enough to confuse anyone. To make your head spin even more is the debate about whether dental insurance is “worth it”. Proponents and naysayers aside, New Look Dental wants to help clear up the confusion about what i…Read More

  4. Tips to Keeping a Dazzling White Smile

    By now, everyone has tried or at least heard of teeth whitening. In the era of selfies and self-care, no longer do people flash less than pearly white teeth. If your smile has lost its dazzle or you want to maintain the brightness of your teeth, there are few choices you can make to keep your smile sparkling. What Foods and Beverages Stain Teeth? People usually blame coffee, tea, red wine and colo…Read More

  5. All About Flouride

    Fluoride comes in natural and synthetic forms and has been dubbed “nature’s cavity fighter” due to its ability to ward them off. Recently fluoride has come under scrutiny and its benefits and risks need to be better understood. Fluoride Defined Fluoride is simply a combination of elements that together form an omnipresent mineral. This naturally occurring substance can be found in air, plant…Read More

  6. Dental Care & Pregnancy

    Pregnancy can be a busy and exciting time planning for your baby to be born. It can also be filled with concerns about doing all you can to ensure your baby is healthy. You have shown up for all your preliminary prenatal screenings, watched your diet and avoided alcohol and anything else that could jeopardize your infant’s health. We want to support your efforts and be your champion to make your…Read More

  7. All About Premedication

    If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics for you to take before an upcoming dental procedure, you may have wondered why. Premedication, also called antibiotic prophylaxis, is the use of antibiotics to prevent infections that may result from dental treatments. It is true that typically antibiotics are prescribed once a bacterial infection is present, but studies show that this practice, called ant…Read More

  8. Habits That Are Hurting Your Teeth

    We all know some habits we engage in can hurt our teeth, but there are a few that might surprise you. The main purpose of your mouth and teeth includes eating, drinking, speaking, digestion and making expressions, like frowning and smiling. We prefer to see you smiling, so here’s a little reminder to encourage you to drop those bad habits once and for all, and learn what other habits could be ha…Read More

  9. Matching Today’s Top Dental Concerns & Solutions

    If you have been considering a smile makeover, we have matched the top dental concerns with the best cosmetic dentistry solutions available today to help correct what bothers you. Discolored Teeth Solutions Teeth whitening is the number one way to correct discolored teeth. There are a wide range of professional in-office and at-home solutions available, including custom and pre-filled trays and di…Read More

  10. The Relationship Between Oral Health and Your Total Health

    In today’s environment, people are more conscious of taking care of themselves. While there are many things we cannot control, there are ways you can empower yourself and your family to stay healthy. Instead of jumping on the latest trend, it is important to follow proven practices that support your entire mouth and body. Dr. Kirakosan at New Look Dental recognizes that oral health and general h…Read More