1. This Mouth is on Fire

    We’ve all done it. Unable to wait, you’ve taken a swig of “too hot” coffee or a bite out of a steaming slice of pizza only to experience a scalded tongue and roof of your mouth. The fallout of pain or peeling skin on the roof of your mouth reminds you to wait longer next time before diving in and with a little patience, your mouth will be good as new. But what about the sensation of a burn…Read More

  2. What You Need To Know About Dentures

    What You Need To Know About Dentures Dentures Defined A denture is a removable plate, or dental plate, with one or multiple artificial teeth attached. While dentures are commonly called false teeth, the name dentures originates from the French word for tooth, dent, or the latin word dente. There are two main types. Partial dentures, referred to as dental partials, will have one or several teeth an…Read More