If your smile is less than dazzling and detracting from your appearance, there are simple lifestyle habits, aesthetic dentistry and cosmetic procedures that can help you start grinning with confidence in no time.

Brighten Up & Whiten Right

Teeth whitening is one of the fastest, most impactful ways to give yourself a makeover. But, you can skip the lights, lasers, pens and strips with New Look Dental. We offer Opalescence, the best teeth whitening brand on the market with effective formulas and multiple types of treatments that help prevent stain recurrence and sensitivity. In our dental office we offer their professional teeth whitening treatments in varying strengths to achieve whiter brighter teeth in as little as an hour. For those who want easy teeth whitening at home, we provide their Customized Tray Whitening or Opalescence Go pre-filled, easy to use trays. We work with each patient to determine the right solution for them and provide home care directions to ensure the best results.

We’d like to say it is a “one and done” scenario, but once you whiten, you still need to be mindful about what you drink to maintain your pearly whites. You can keep your smile bright by avoiding beverages like coffee, red wine, soda and tea that stain teeth over time. If you can’t bring yourself to cut back or completely abstain, at minimum make it a habit to rinse with water after drinking these teeth-staining drinks. Next, swap your normal toothpaste for a whitening version to lighten superficial stains, and when new staining occurs, we are always available for touchups.

Let’s Bond

If you literally bit off more than you could chew, and your teeth took the brunt of it in the form of a crack, chip or break, tooth bonding is in order. Tooth bonding for gaps or staining that can’t be remedied with dental whitening, is an affordable dental solution. For those with misshapen, crooked teeth or staining, veneers can camouflage these dental issues effectively. With more significant teeth straightening needs Invisalign is a great solution for all ages. Whatever your smile concerns, Dr. Kirakosian is an expert restoration dentist with an aesthetic eye and hand to beautify your smile and appearance.

Update Your Makeup Bag

Sure, nude and earth-toned shades of lipstick seem to be a nice way to wear makeup yet keep the focus off your smile, but they don’t do you any favors. Go ahead and add a little blue or pink-based lip color in shades of roses, berries, plums, cherries and wines to tone down yellow-hued teeth. A fuller mouth is another sign of youth. Look for products that have plumping ingredients like mint or cinnamon to enhance your pout.

Beyond Cosmetics

The mouth itself and the skin surrounding it can make a big difference in your smile. Years of talking, drinking from straws and facial expression can cause thin lines, and creases alongside the mouth, called nasolabial folds. Cosmetic fillers and neuromodulators (like Botox, Xeomin or Dysport) can blur “smoker’s lines” and other signs of aging around the mouth. Fillers can also be used to plump up thinner lips to create a more youthful shape.

Oral Hygiene Habits

No dental blog is complete without pointing out the benefits of daily oral hygiene for keeping your smile healthy and looking great. A routine of brushing, flossing and rinsing morning and evening is a simple self-care habit that is sure to pay off handsomely. Consider brushing after your midday meal, snacks or sugary drinks, too, and remember to swap out your frayed toothbrush for a new one quarterly. If your toothbrush frays sooner, replace it then and consider lighter pressure when you brush. Lastly, don’t skip your bi-annual dental care appointment for a professional cleaning. We hope to see you soon!