1. Habits That Are Hurting Your Teeth

    We all know some habits we engage in can hurt our teeth, but there are a few that might surprise you. The main purpose of your mouth and teeth includes eating, drinking, speaking, digestion and making expressions, like frowning and smiling. We prefer to see you smiling, so here’s a little reminder to encourage you to drop those bad habits once and for all, and learn what other habits could be ha…Read More

  2. Oral Anatomy

    Oral Anatomy Understanding the anatomy of the mouth is vital to understand the importance of proper dental care. The mouth, also called the buccal or oral cavity, serves multiple functions. Not only do we use it to eat, we use it to breathe, speak, laugh, smile and kiss. Mainly, the mouth is a passageway for food and air, so must be kept healthy to ensure optimal health of the entire body. The ora…Read More