1. The Relationship Between Oral Health and Your Total Health

    In today’s environment, people are more conscious of taking care of themselves. While there are many things we cannot control, there are ways you can empower yourself and your family to stay healthy. Instead of jumping on the latest trend, it is important to follow proven practices that support your entire mouth and body. Dr. Kirakosan at New Look Dental recognizes that oral health and general h…Read More

  2. All About Gum Disease – Facts, Prevention and Care

    Since we were kids, for healthy teeth and gums we were taught to avoid sugar-laden foods, brush and floss daily and get regular dental cleanings. Interestingly, it isn’t sugar that causes cavities, but the acid produced by bacteria feeding on sugar and other carbohydrates that lead to decay. Most of us regularly brush, as we well understand the risk of tooth decay. However, many of us indulge in…Read More